How about the welding performance of 20# cold drawn seamless steel pipe

How about the welding performance of 20# cold drawn seamless steel pipe

20# cold drawn seamless steel pipe is low carbon steel pipe. Its strength is slightly higher than 15# steel, rarely quenched, and no temper brittleness. Its cold deformation plasticity is high, and generally used for bending, calendering, flange bending and hammer arch processing. It has good arc welding and contact welding performance. 20# cold drawn seamless steel pipe is generally used under low stress and high toughness requirements.

20# cold drawn seamless steel pipe implements national standards: GBT 8162 cold drawn seamless steel pipe for structural use, GBT 8163 fluid cold drawn seamless steel pipe, GBT 3087 medium and low pressure boiler cold drawn seamless steel pipe, GBT 9948 petroleum cracked cold drawn seamless steel pipe.

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