What is DIN17175 St45.8 steel pipe?

What is DIN17175 St45.8 steel pipe?

Standard: DIN17155

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DIN17175 is a German industry standard number that specifies the technical requirements and test methods for specific steel pipes.St45.8 is a specific steel pipe grade under this standard, representing the type of steel pipe that meets specific performance requirements.

DIN17175 St45.8 Features:


St45.8 steel pipe has good high temperature resistance and pressure capacity, suitable for high temperature and high pressure environment.


The mechanical properties of the steel pipe are stable and can meet the requirements of the use under harsh conditions such as boilers and petrochemical industries.


The chemical composition of the St45.8 steel pipe mainly includes carbon (C), silicon (Si), manganese (Mn) and other elements, and the proportion of these elements is precisely controlled to achieve the required mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. Usually, its chemical composition will also include other alloying elements to improve the high temperature resistance and oxidation resistance of the steel pipe.


DIN17175 St45.8 Application:


St45.8 steel pipe is widely used in the boiler industry, especially in the heating surface of high pressure boilers, economizer, header, superheater, reheater and other parts.


It is also suitable for pipeline systems in the petrochemical industry and can withstand high temperature and pressure and corrosive media.


In addition, due to its excellent high temperature resistance, St45.8 steel pipes can also be used in other industrial areas that need to withstand high temperature environments.
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