15Mo3 boiler steel tube high inventory VS high cost

15Mo3 boiler steel tube high inventory VS high cost

Due to the current high raw material procurement costs, the production profits of steel mills have been compressed recently, and manufacturers are more willing to support price. In the short term, on the one hand, the release of downstream demand is less than expected, and short-term price increases lack momentum; on the other hand, steel mills are more willing to raise prices, and 15Mo3 boiler steel tube traders need to pay more to purchase goods, which forms a certain degree of support for 15Mo3 boiler steel tube prices.

The output of 15Mo3 boiler steel tube is still at a high level during the year, and steel mills are less active in reducing production. In terms of demand, under the influence of high temperature weather, the demand for 15Mo3 boiler steel tube is unstable, end users purchase on demand, and speculative demand fades. In terms of inventory, steel mill inventories rose slightly in the off-season, but they did not exceed expectations. In terms of costs, raw material prices have recently been strong, and steel mills' production costs have risen.

In the short term, the supply and demand of the 15Mo3 boiler steel tube will continue to be weakly balanced, and will face high inventory and high cost pressures. Before the demand for 15Mo3 boiler steel tube picks up substantially, the price of 15Mo3 boiler steel tube may be difficult to get rid of the shock pattern, and the increase or decrease is not large.

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