The China demand of steel pipe will be about 80 million tons in 2020

The China demand of steel pipe will be about 80 million tons in 2020

China is currently entering the stage of normalized prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic. Driven by the acceleration of domestic economic recovery and increasing demand for downstream steel, the demand for steel pipe in China is expected to increase slightly to about 80 million tons in 2020, of which seamless steel pipe demand is about 30 million tons, and the demand for welded steel pipes is about 50 million tons. Affected by the epidemic, the global steel market is showing a regional development trend, and steel pipe companies must pay special attention to the "steel demand" contained in the internal cycle of regional economic development.

How to develop the steel pipe industry in the second half of this year? This has become a hot topic in the industry.

China's steel consumption was about 875 million tons in 2019. According to the forecast of "China's steel demand will increase by 1.0% in 2020" released by the World Iron and Steel Association in early June, it can be estimated that China's steel demand will be 880 million tons in 2020. The market demand of steel pipe in 2020 is estimated to be about 80 million tons, including 30 million tons of seamless steel pipe and 50 million tons of welded pipe.

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